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When does ChangePlan send emails?

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Pulse check emails
  • are used to gather data on readiness and adoption
  • these send to the target audience only
  • these can be set up to send 1. at the due date of an activity - optionally, when toggled on in the Initiative Activities page 'Add activity' popup screen 2. on their own in the Initiative Activities page by clicking 'Add pulse check'
  • more at
Activity delivery confirmation emails
  • individuals who are specified as activity deliverers and/or activity owners are (currently) sent a confirmation email at the due date and time of activity
  • the purpose of this is to verify whether the activity is complete
  • we are currently making this an optional feature based on your request
Emails are also triggered when
  • adding a new ChangePlan user (admin only)
  • giving permission for an existing ChangePlan user to access an initiative or portfolio
  • resetting a password
No emails are triggered by
  • adding an audience to an initiative
  • adding an affected audience to an impact
  • creating a risk
  • reaching go-live
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