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Impacts Heatmap Overview

All Initiatives Impact Heatmap

The all initiatives impact heatmap shows aggregated impacts on groups over time. Impacts are shown in the period in which the project goes live.
It's similar to the 'Change effort' timeline, helping you make decisions about project sequencing, but, because it is based on actual change impact assessments and not a just a quick questionnaire, you have more detailed information about which particular groups are impacted and how heavily.
Its goes hand-in-hand with the Activity burden heatmap, giving you a full picture of the effects of a project on stakeholders before and at go-live.
  1. Overview of the All Initiatives Heat Maps Page
      • Provides an aggregated view of all impacts and activity burden across all initiatives.
  1. Organization of Initiatives
      • Initiatives are listed based on their go-live dates.
      • Each initiative is associated with various divisions of the organization.
  1. Drilling Down into Organization Structure
      • Clicking on the dropdown screen allows for selecting specific levels within the organization.
      • Example: Jumping into the business unit level for more detailed insights.
  1. Interpreting Impact Data
      • Hovering over cells reveals the number of impacts and their severity (high, low).
      • Color-coded system (e.g., average Amber color) indicates overall impact level.
  1. Viewing Detailed Changes and Impacts
      • Clicking on a cell provides information on specific changes and their impact.
      • Ability to scroll through impacts for further exploration.
  1. Customizing View with Toggle
      • Toggle on custom groups to view impacts from initiatives outside the current time period.
      • Displays impact data for custom groups not directly linked to the organizational structure.
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