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Attaching Audiences in the Impact Section

  1. Click on “Impacts” in the left hand blue bar
  1. All of the impacts you have entered will appear
  1. Click on the first impact
  1. The impact box will appear which lists the details of the impact you’ve already entered
  1. Under the Audience Impacted Section click on the +Add Impacted audience blue label
  1. The audience list will appear. You’ll notice in the example to the right – Global Housing and Global Lifestyle are in blue and Enterprise Support is greyed out. This is because when I selected my audiences overall (in a prior step), I didn’t select any audiences from Enterprise Support.
  1. You can click on the box next to the group if the entire group is impacted by this specific impact. If not, click on the “>” button next to each group name.
  1. A next level down list will appear. You can continue to use the “>” to drill down as far in the org as you need to go. If the entire department is impacted the same way – then you only need to select the department. However, if different teams within the department are impacted differently (or only certain teams are impacted) then you would want to drill down and select those.
  1. Next to each group you selected – click the select drop down box and indicate if this impact is a High, Medium, or Low impact to this audience.
  1. Click on “Add Activity”
  1. All of the activities that you’ve created and entered in the activities section will appear.
  1. Click on one or more activities that apply to this impact and audience.
  1. Click “attach” to impact to complete.
  1. The activity will then appear along with the date that the activity will occur, which phase of work it occurs in and the # of minutes for time away from normal work.
  1. Click “save”.
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