Configuration Document Customer Guide
This document guides new customers in configuring ChangePlan, a change management platform, to align with their organization's specific needs, ensuring the system is correctly set up and ready for the change team.
Configuring ChangePlan to align with your organization’s approach is the first step towards getting ChangePlan ready for your change team.
Like introducing any new system, implementing ChangePlan involves a change to how people do their jobs. So, we recommend that you involve those people who will be using ChangePlan in deciding on how to set up the system.
You may choose to first review this document and then gather input from your team on areas that there may be differing opinions and requirements.
There are four sections in ChangePlan’s configuration document:
- General Settings
- Initiative Settings
- Org chart Settings
- Assessment Settings
These align with areas in the ChangePlan settings page, which is accessible by your organization’s admin user/s.
Your admin/s will be shown these pages during their onboarding training session.
1. General Settings
- Company logo
Upload an image file of your organization's logo to be displayed on system-generated emails such as feedback surveys and pulse check emails as well as PDF and PowerPoint exports.
- Date format
Choose between international (DD/MM/YY) or United States (MM/DD/YY) format.
Please note that across international organizations, it's important that you agree upon which date format you'll use because at the moment we're unable to use different date formats for different users within the same organization.
- Portfolio
- ChangePlan provides these organizational levels for your initiatives:
- Enterprise
- Portfolios
- Initiatives
You can customize the name of the ‘Portfolio’ level, to match the organization's terminology (e.g., program, focus area, strategic pillar).
Note: If your organization uses additional levels of grouping, such as ‘portfolio’, you can classify initiatives using additional configurable fields described next.
d. Configurable fields
ChangePlan has two optional additional fields that can be used to group initiatives for reporting & analysis purposes in ways other than just by Portfolio.
These fields appear
- As additional columns in the Initiatives table
- As dropdown field options when creating a new initiative
- And as filter options for your reporting
Configurable field 1
This is a ‘multi-select’ field that can be used to add tags, hashtags or labels to each initiative. By default, this is called ‘Function’. This can be toggled on if you wish to use it. You can use these tags as a way to easier search for your initiatives later on.
Configurable field 2
There’s an additional single select field that you can use. By default, this is called project type.
Note: We unless you have specific requirement, we do not recommend using these fields. They can be utilized at a future date if needed.
d. Activity Burden Heatmap Sensitivity
ChangePlan’s Activity burden heatmap shows the amount of time away from regular work (also known as change impost or time away from BAU) that is incurred on change recipients due to change management activities.
This includes things like attending meetings, training sessions, presentations, coaching and any other non-regular activities.
Because some organizations are more tolerant of time away from regular work, the formula used to determine when the heatmap cells shift color is configurable.
2. Initiative Settings
- Checklist Items
- Start date
- Due date
- Progress percentage
- Estimated time required
- Actual time required
- Owner/s
This refer to the list of deliverables that your team has to accomplish for each initiative. By default, we have a list of 10 checklist items. You can reduce or add depending on your organization’s requirements.
Each checklist items can be assigned with the following:
- Change Phases
These phases are the stages of the stakeholder change journey. These can be named according to your preference and will appear on the Kanban style Initiative activity page. You can rename the names of these change phases. By default, ChangePlan uses 5 change phases but if you have fewer change phases, then you can set one or more to be blank.
The pulse check is designed to align to whichever change phase that pulse check is designed to check on so it is important to use these phases or at the very least use a similar one.
Note: It is not required for your activities to be attached to a change phase but if you want to utilize the pulse check for that activity, they need to be attached.
- Impact Assessment
- Organizational – Affects the organization's structure, culture, and strategy, encompassing changes in leadership, communication, and business objectives.
- People - Influences individuals, including shifts in roles, skills, attitudes, and job satisfaction, as well as potential resistance or support from employees.
- Process - Alters workflows, procedures, and business operations to enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall effectiveness.
- Structural - Modifies the organization's hierarchy, reporting relationships, and distribution of responsibilities, impacting formal structure and governance.
- Technological - Introduces or adapts technologies, systems, or tools, changing how work is conducted, information is managed, and communication is facilitated.
Impact assessment is a key activity of change managers. Users are allowed to configure the list of impact categories. The reason why we have categories of impacts is so that you can create a summary of the kinds of changes created by each initiative. By default, ChangePlan has 5 impact categories.
Only the boldened impact name will appear in the dropdown. The description text appears as a hover-over to assist the user. These hover-over text are designed to ensure that all users have the same understanding of the impact categories.
There is no maximum number of impact types.
- Impact Level Hover-over Text
The users have the ability to create a hover-over text for the impact levels. This is to ensure that all users in the organization have the same understanding of what high impact is, medium impact is, and low impact is.
- Risk Categories
Some change teams track the specific risks associated with the change management of an initiative. In this section, it displays a table that shows all risks associated with an initiative.
This gives you reporting ability which allows you how each risk was managed carefully.
ChangePlan has 7 risk categories by default. You’re able to change, add, or reduce the categories. There is no minimum or maximum number of risk types.
Activity Settings
ChangePlan activites allows its users to create the kind of interventions that are going to move people through change journey.
When you click create a new activity, you’ll be presented with a list of different event categories. ChangePlan provides three different categories:
- Communication
- Learning
- Other
These categories can’t be changed but you can add in your own custom activity types. To create custom activities, use the custom field to enter text for activities that are not listed in the default activity types. All activity types will appear alphabetically in the list. These custom activity types will be available to all of your users.
Also, it is possible to create an activity type that is specific to an initiative. You can do so by clicking custom and typing in the activity name. This will not be added to the activity list generally.
3. Org Chart Settings
Having a single stakeholder list is one of the biggest benefits of a change management platform, because it allows you to understand what's going on for groups across the organization, across all of the change in initiatives that are underway.
There are different ways as to how the system can onboard and harmonize your org chart.
- Manually enter org chart data: Add top-level groups and nested groups in the org chart tab of the settings area. This is applicable for smaller organizations.
- Import org chart from Excel: Use the import chart button and the provided template file to import the org chart data.
- Integrate with HRIS or Active Directory: Set up an integration to automatically synchronize the organizational chart with the organization's HR system.
It is possible to set the naming for the different org chart tiers. By default, we have 3 layers namely: Division, Business unit, and Teams. We recommend that you use simple names such as Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. ChangePlan can support up to 11 layers deep although most organizations use between 3 and 5 layers.
Note: As part of the onboarding process, configuring your organizational chart is a very important step. ChangePlan will be happy to determine the best approach and assist your organization personally.
4. Assessment Settings
ChangePlan includes a number of different options for assessing your initiative.
- Pulse-check questions
The readiness questions relate to the stages of your five change phases. You can customize the questions that are sent out in the pulse checks at the global level so that you have a specific question. The reason why we’re only allowing users to customize the questions for each change phase is to create consistency and simplicity across your organization so that you’re able to compare analysis across projects.
ChangePlan also allows its users to track 3 adoption metrics. By default, these are uptake, proficiency, and usage outcome. The users have the ability to tweak the names of these metrics to suit your own approach. You can also adjust the specific questions that are asked in the pulse checks.
The results from these surveys will be automatically gathered and aggregated and can be accessed through the reports section.
- Change Canvas
Change Canvas is the section in which you can create an overview of your initiative, and it is highly configurable. The different sections within Change Canvas can be populated with text, images, links, and files. These sections can be toggled on or off and renamed to match the organization's needs
You can add a content to each section by clicking the edit button.
- Change Effort Assessment
ChangePlan includes the ability to conduct a high-level change effort assessment that looks at the overall risk of an initiative. It is designed to help users to right-size the amount of resources that you put into an initiative from a change management perspective.
By default, the first six questions are associated with the scale of change, meaning the magnitude and sizing of the change that is happening due to the initiative.
The next set of questions relate to the potential challenges that the stakeholders may have with absorbing the change.
Each question has five responses on a Likert Scale. The questions as well as the five Likert Scale responses can be customized based on your requirements. However, the system currently does not allow customization of the number of questions and Likert Scale responses.
If your organization currently uses its own assessment, we highly recommend that you map the questions between your existing questions, replacing ChangePlan questions where required or merging questions if necessary.
If you have more than 12 questions we recommend merging some of the questions together and if you have fewer you may choose to include others or you may choose to just include something that.
Now that you have accomplished the configuration document, the next step is to send it back to our team so that we can configure the system according to your requirements.
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