Creating a custom activity type
- In an Initiative, go to the Activities page, click ‘new’.
- In the dropdown for the Intervention type, type in a custom activity name and press the ‘enter’ key on keyboard:

- In this case, the custom activity name 'Testing' is listed as the Intervention type:

- In the 'List' panel, the activity will appear:

Note: If you do not select a Change phase in the New activity popup, this activity will not appear on the 'Change phase' tab view:

Note: If you create another activity, the custom intervention type 'Testing' that you previously created is not saved on this list and does not appear here again:

Note: If needed, your ChangePlan company administrator can create new intervention types that are permanently added to the list in the Settings area.
- For administrators, on the top right of the screen, click on the Welcome, name text and select 'Settings':

- Click on the 'Initiative tab' and scroll down to 'Custom activity types':

- You can create new activity intervention types that will appear in the list for all users:

- Once the new activity intervention is created, it will appear in the list of default interventions in ChangePlan.
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