Bulk Adding Individuals to Custom Groups
Individuals need to be added to the Individuals table in ChangePlan before they can be added to custom groups.
To bulk upload people, go to the All Initiatives view > All Audience page (below):

Click ADD, then Click IMPORT FROM XLSX:
Click on the template file:
The template file has only 3 required fields: First name, Last name, Email address. This allows you to upload a list of people from other organizations.
You do not need to enter any other information, though you can use the other fields if you wish.
Now that you've uploaded people, you can assign them to custom groups in 2 ways:
Method 1. Populate a single new custom group with individuals via XLS
This feature is in the All Audience page > Add audience popup window. It is accessed via the UPLOAD XLS link shown here:
The template XLS has just one column:
For clarity, this feature cannot add people who have no record in ChangePlan's individuals table.
Method 2. Create multiple custom groups via XLS upload
From the All Initiatives Audience page, click ADD. Click Import from XLSX:
Download the template:
List individuals in column D, separating by comma. Required fields are NAME and NUMBER OF PEOPLE (for ensuring accurate time away from BAU calculations, since some users do not populate custom groups with the individuals within them.)
For clarity, this feature can only be used to specify individuals that have a record in ChangePlan's individuals table. You can bulk upload lists of individuals into the table using the technique above, regardless of their email address.
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