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Adding full access and view-only users in ChangePlan admin settings

Steps to Add Users and Manage Access

  1. Access the Settings Menu
      • Click the Welcome Button in the upper-right corner of the screen.
      • Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
  1. Navigate to the Users Tab
      • Click on the Users tab to view the current list of users and their access levels.
  1. Add a New User
      • Click the Add button to begin adding a new user.
      • Enter the user’s details, such as name and email address.
  1. Choose License Type
      • Select the user’s license type based on their role:
        • Full License: Grants full access to all features and functionalities in ChangePlan. Users with this license can create, edit, and manage portfolios, initiatives, stakeholders, impacts, risks, and activities.
        • Read-Only License: Provides view-only access, allowing users to monitor data without making changes. Ideal for stakeholders or team members needing oversight.
  1. Assign Portfolio and Initiative Access
      • Select the portfolios and/or initiatives the user should have access to.
      • For Full-Access Users, specify their permission level for initiatives and portfolios (explained below).
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