XLS Import FAQs
What happens if:
- Individuals already in ChangePlan are not listed in your excel sheet?
- If the individual is already in Changeplan but its not in the excel sheet then nothing happens.
- Individuals in your excel sheet are not already in ChangePlan?
- The individuals will be added to the system provided that they have unique emails that does not also still exist in the system.
- Individuals in your excel sheet that are in ChangePlan have a new job title?
- There will be a prompt that will show for each individual that is already existing in the system (Email is the basis) asking if you want to update the current information for that specific individual.
- Individuals in your excel sheet that are in ChangePlan are now part of a different org chart group?
- There will be a prompt that will show for each individual that is already existing in the system (Email is the basis) asking if you want to update the current information for that specific individual.
- Are initiatives/impacts/activities from the previous org chart group that the individual was added to removed from this individual?
- No. The individual does not inherit the current initiatives of the org chart group. He will only be added when the org chart group is re-added within the initiative. This is the current behaviour although I'm not entirely sure if this is intended on the business side.
- Are initiatives/impacts/activities that the new org chart group are targeted by added to this individual?
- Only if the individual is a member of the org chart group by the time the group is added to the initiative.
- Are custom groups that the individual is added to affected?
- Same behaviour as the org group chart above.
- New org chart groups are in your excel sheet?
- No. The org chart in the excel sheet should match existing org group names. If not, then an error prompt will appear and show that a specific individual has an org group that does not exist in the system. Org chart group must be created first.
- Org chart groups are renamed? how do we know they have been renamed?
- Currently, there's no way to know if an org chart group was renamed unless checked by the development team.
- What confirmations are displayed following the upload?
- Success upload. Existing user prompt with an option to override current details. Fail upload due to not meeting the criteria (Existing email / invalid email or non-existent org group)
- Can the user see a report on what differences there were and updates made?
- The success prompt will show a list of the successfully uploaded individuals.
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