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Uploading an updated individuals’ XLS

Uploading an updated XLS list of individuals into ChangePlan

  • Individuals in the XLS not already in ChangePlan are added to the system provided that they have a unique email address that does not exist in the system
  • Individuals already in ChangePlan not listed in the XLS remain in the system and are not deleted
    • we need to offer the admin to delete any individuals not in the XLS
    • this could be a step in the upload process - the user could be informed ‘there are 32 individuals records in ChangePlan that do not exist in the uploaded sheet’
      • ignore
      • show list
      • delete (with a 2nd confirmation - “Warning - this action will remove the records of these individuals in the system and cannot be reversed.” (cancel / continue)
  • If there is a Job title change for individuals in the XLS, there is a prompt for each individual in the system asking if you want to update the information for that specific individual.
  • If an individual in the XLS has changes to their Org chart group details, a prompt will show for each individual asking if you want to update the current information for that specific individual.

Inheriting org chart details

  • Individuals added to an Org chart group are not automatically added to the current initiatives, impacts and activities that the Org chart group has been added to.
    • individuals need to be automatically added to the current initiatives, impacts and activities that their new Org chart group is added to.
  • Org chart group data must match the existing org chart groups otherwise an error prompt will appear warning that a specific individual has an org group that does not exist in the system.
  • Currently there's no way to know if a org chart group was renamed unless checked by the development team.

Following the upload

  • A successful upload confirmation displays a list of successfully uploaded individuals
  • The user is prompted if there are any existing individuals with the option to update current details one by one or as a batch

Uploads will fail if

  • Email address is missing or invalid
  • An org chart group that does not exist is specified
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